Saturday, October 14, 2006

gluteus maximus (no, not the Roman gladiator )

Ok, so I’m sitting in the lunch room of my current place of employ, and right there, in front of me is a coworker picking at his ass. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Can’t keep your fingers out of your nose, crotch or your ass. Fuck. Fuck man, I’m trying to eat. Not to mention all the other fucks in the room that just got sick after seeing you insert a finger into your stank ass to dig out gods know what. I mean fuck, your superman under-roos can not be that far up your haunches that it takes over two minutes to get it sittin’ right. Christ-on-a-cracker man, the lunch room? The jon was five feet away. Then again, what do I expect from a guy that eats his own snot.


My butt hurts. (and I guess so does yours)


Anonymous said...

What the fuck is wrong with you? Ass

Anonymous said...

i like many have ass related problems. be nice.

Rainypete said...

It's times like this that I really, really worry that you might work in a restaurant or something!

Anonymous said...

ya he was the head cheff at "La Grand Sheti" The coffee is good but the browines are shit.